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Real estate simply digitized

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3D laser scanning and cloud service

Experience our Mobile Mapping products and coordinated services. Benefit from the advantages of browser-based planning tools, manage your projects in the dotscene Cloud and book the exact services you need. From the floor plan to the 3D CAD model, dotscene has the solutions you need for all aspects of digital real estate inventory. Seamlessly integrated into your workflow.

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Industry solutions

Individual workflows and digitization solutions for your industry

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Facility management

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Heritage conservation

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Public transportation

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Manufacturing industry

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Public sector

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Numbers and facts


since 2016


experience from over 4000 scanned objects


over 450 customers worldwide


70 employees at two locations

Our services

How we support you as required

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Scanning Service

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CAD Drawing

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What our customers say about us

From dotcube to dotscene Cloud

Learn more about how our mobile mapping products and browser-based planning tools simplify your inventory digitization and adapt to your workflow.

Team dotscene

Who we are, what makes us special, how we work.
Take a look behind the scenes and get to know the people who work on your projects and make dotscene a little better every day.

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dotscene as an employer?

We are always on the lookout for motivated team members.
Become part of our team and shape the future together with us!
Can't find a suitable position? We look forward to receiving your unsolicited application.

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Current news about dotscene

Schloss Hohentuebingen Scan dotscene UNESCO Weltkulturerbe

Hohentübingen Castle

UNESCO World Heritage Site meets mobile mapping

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Scanning with a view of the Alhambra

An inspiring morning with the construction engineers of tomorrow

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Licht. Punkt. Münster

An initiative to support the Freiburg Minster Building Association

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The new dotcube 7

Even more measuring points. Even more SLAM. Even more cloud.

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